Senate rejects restructuring of DEQ, elimination of citizen commissions
February 14, 2019
LANSING, Mich. – The Michigan Senate on Thursday adopted House Concurrent Resolution 1, rejecting Gov.
Whitmer’s Executive Order 2019-2 that would eliminate oversight commissions and restructure the state
Department of Environmental Quality.
“This unilateral executive action by the governor raises significant concerns for the residents of our state,” said
Sen. Ed McBroom, R-Vulcan, who chairs the Oversight Committee. “Eliminating these important boards would
take away a fundamental right of the people to have a voice in how their government is run. At a time when the
governor talks about openness and increasing government transparency and accountability, this executive order
would do the opposite.
“The Legislature created these panels last year for a reason, as an important way for private citizens — property
owners, farmers, and job providers — to have their voices heard in the traditionally unclear and unreasonable
bureaucratic permitting and regulatory process. Removing them by executive fiat would be an injustice and
would degrade a state government that should be responsive to the needs of its citizens.
“The prudent thing to do would be to consider the governor’s desired actions deliberatively and thoroughly,
through the legislative process. So, while we respect a governor’s authority to reorganize the bureaucracy, the
specific actions in this executive order are a bridge too far.
“I would like to work collaboratively with the governor on the issues cited as the reasoning behind the proposed
EO — a clean environment, energy needs that are met and clean drinking water. Those are issues that we all
support. Unfortunately, the argument that this EO would somehow make cleaner water resources felt contrived
by special interest groups in support of the EO, a talking point to gain public favor while the greater impact was
determined to be that of building bureaucracy and further infringing on our way of life.”